2024-05-28 14:41:14 +03:00

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name: Sonatype Nexus
description: Plugin to publish artifacts to Sonatype Nexus
author: Konstantin Demin
tags: [publish, Sonatype, Nexus]
containerImage: rockdrilla/woodpecker-sonatype-nexus
containerImageUrl: https://hub.docker.com/r/rockdrilla/woodpecker-sonatype-nexus
url: https://github.com/rockdrilla/woodpecker-sonatype-nexus
icon: https://www.sonatype.com/hubfs/2-2023-Product%20Logos/Repo%20Nav%20Icon%20updated.png
Woodpecker CI plugin to publish artifacts to Sonatype Nexus.
## Settings
| Name | Required | Default value | Description |
| `url` | **yes** | *none* | Sonatype Nexus URL (e.g. `https://nexus.domain.com`) |
| `auth` | *no* \* | *none* | HTTP Basic Authentication (plain-text, in form `{username}:{password}`) |
| `auth.base64` | *no* \* | *none* | HTTP Basic Authentication (base64-encoded) |
| `auth.header` | *no* \* | *none* | generic HTTP authentication header (in form `{Header}={Value}`) |
| `upload` | **yes** | `[]` | List of upload rules (JSON array, see below) |
- At least one authentication setting **must** be provided.
If there are more than one setting were specified then setting is selected in order of priority (from most to least):
- `auth.header`
- `auth.base64`
- `auth`
- Setting names above are "short" variants.
Full-qualified setting name looks like "`nexus.{short_name}`"
and has higher priority if short variant is specified too.
- Dots in setting names are NOT mandatory.
The one may replace dots ("`.`") with hyphens ("`-`") or underscores ("`_`").
### Upload settings
`upload` list consists of elements with following properties:
| Name | Required | Default value | Description |
| `repository` | **yes** | *none* | Repository name (of type "hosted") |
| `paths` | **yes** | *none* | List of files to upload (accepts [globs](https://pkg.go.dev/path/filepath#Match)) |
Additional (repository-specific) properties may be specified right with settings specified above.
## Example
- name: publish
image: rockdrilla/woodpecker-sonatype-nexus
url: https://nexus.domain.com
from_secret: nexus-auth-b64
- repository: project-apt
- dist/all/*.deb
- dist/amd64/*.deb
- repository: project-raw
- dist/raw/all-in-one.tar.xz
# property from upload specification for "raw" repository
directory: /build/
- repository: project-r
- dist/r/*.tar.gz
# property from upload specification for "r" repository
pathId: /src/contrib/
## Notes
- Preferred setting for HTTP Basic Authentication is `auth.base64` as there is minimal chance for breaking value during serialization/deserialization.
- Generic setting `auth.header` is provided for cases where authentication differs from HTTP Basic Authentication.
- The one may use [User Tokens](https://help.sonatype.com/en/user-tokens.html) for HTTP Basic Authentication.
There is no need for special handling as tokens are conform to scheme:
`{token name code}:{token pass code}`
- The one may consult with Sonatype Nexus REST API for repository-specific properties for component uploads.
Sonatype Nexus REST API is available via:
- Web UI - `https://nexus.domain.com/#admin/system/api`
- Swagger - `https://nexus.domain.com/service/rest/swagger.json`
Points of interest are:
- `/v1/formats/upload-specs`
- `/v1/components` (with `POST` method)
Also, there is [fallback upload spec](https://github.com/rockdrilla/woodpecker-sonatype-nexus/blob/main/nexus/upload_spec/fallback.go):
- if component/asset field does not specify `Optional: true` then this field is **required**.
## Known limitations
- No more than 32 assets may be uploaded at once (if destination repository type supports multiple upload).
This is (merely) artificial limit for **single** upload - plugin will upload all listed files but via several calls.
If you suppose that Sonatype Nexus is viable to receive more assets at once - feel free to contact me.