Konstantin Demin krd
  • telegram

  • Joined on 2024-02-18
Updated 2024-09-25 07:16:23 +03:00
[WIP] Angie container image with paradigm "convention over configuration"
Updated 2024-09-20 22:55:12 +03:00
Hashicorp Vault container image with better entrypoint
Updated 2024-09-13 13:35:09 +03:00
hybrid PostgreSQL/Patroni/Citus container image
Updated 2024-08-13 09:20:32 +03:00
personal dotfiles
Updated 2024-08-03 14:08:51 +03:00
Updated 2024-07-30 00:56:06 +03:00
high-performance dumb http response generator
Updated 2024-07-28 21:33:15 +03:00
Updated 2024-06-12 03:22:35 +03:00