2024-01-02 10:36:20 -08:00

525 lines
15 KiB

// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
package cluster
import (
log "github.com/hashicorp/go-hclog"
const (
ListenerAcceptDeadline = 500 * time.Millisecond
// Client is used to lookup a client certificate.
type Client interface {
ClientLookup(context.Context, *tls.CertificateRequestInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error)
ServerName() string
CACert(ctx context.Context) *x509.Certificate
// Handler exposes functions for looking up TLS configuration and handing
// off a connection for a cluster listener application.
type Handler interface {
ServerLookup(context.Context, *tls.ClientHelloInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error)
CALookup(context.Context) ([]*x509.Certificate, error)
// Handoff is used to pass the connection lifetime off to
// the handler
Handoff(context.Context, *sync.WaitGroup, chan struct{}, *tls.Conn) error
Stop() error
type ClusterHook interface {
AddClient(alpn string, client Client)
RemoveClient(alpn string)
AddHandler(alpn string, handler Handler)
StopHandler(alpn string)
TLSConfig(ctx context.Context) (*tls.Config, error)
Addr() net.Addr
GetDialerFunc(ctx context.Context, alpnProto string) func(string, time.Duration) (net.Conn, error)
// Listener is the source of truth for cluster handlers and connection
// clients. It dynamically builds the cluster TLS information. It's also
// responsible for starting tcp listeners and accepting new cluster connections.
type Listener struct {
handlers map[string]Handler
clients map[string]Client
shutdown *uint32
shutdownWg *sync.WaitGroup
server *http2.Server
networkLayer NetworkLayer
cipherSuites []uint16
advertise net.Addr
logger log.Logger
l sync.RWMutex
tlsConnectionLoggingLevel log.Level
func NewListener(networkLayer NetworkLayer, cipherSuites []uint16, logger log.Logger, idleTimeout time.Duration) *Listener {
var maxStreams uint32 = math.MaxUint32
if override := os.Getenv("VAULT_GRPC_MAX_STREAMS"); override != "" {
i, err := strconv.ParseUint(override, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn("vault grpc max streams override must be an uint32 integer", "value", override)
} else {
maxStreams = uint32(i)
logger.Info("overriding grpc max streams", "value", i)
// Create the HTTP/2 server that will be shared by both RPC and regular
// duties. Doing it this way instead of listening via the server and gRPC
// allows us to re-use the same port via ALPN. We can just tell the server
// to serve a given conn and which handler to use.
h2Server := &http2.Server{
// Our forwarding connections heartbeat regularly so anything else we
// want to go away/get cleaned up pretty rapidly
IdleTimeout: idleTimeout,
// By default this is 250 which can be too small on high traffic
// clusters with many forwarded or replication gRPC connections.
MaxConcurrentStreams: maxStreams,
return &Listener{
handlers: make(map[string]Handler),
clients: make(map[string]Client),
shutdown: new(uint32),
shutdownWg: &sync.WaitGroup{},
server: h2Server,
networkLayer: networkLayer,
cipherSuites: cipherSuites,
logger: logger,
tlsConnectionLoggingLevel: log.LevelFromString(os.Getenv("VAULT_CLUSTER_TLS_SESSION_LOG_LEVEL")),
func (cl *Listener) SetAdvertiseAddr(addr string) error {
u, err := url.ParseRequestURI(addr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse advertise address: %w", err)
cl.advertise = &NetAddr{
Host: u.Host,
return nil
func (cl *Listener) Addr() net.Addr {
if cl.advertise != nil {
return cl.advertise
addrs := cl.Addrs()
if len(addrs) == 0 {
return nil
return addrs[0]
func (cl *Listener) Addrs() []net.Addr {
return cl.networkLayer.Addrs()
// AddClient adds a new client for an ALPN name
func (cl *Listener) AddClient(alpn string, client Client) {
cl.clients[alpn] = client
// RemoveClient removes the client for the specified ALPN name
func (cl *Listener) RemoveClient(alpn string) {
delete(cl.clients, alpn)
// AddHandler registers a new cluster handler for the provided ALPN name.
func (cl *Listener) AddHandler(alpn string, handler Handler) {
cl.handlers[alpn] = handler
// StopHandler stops the cluster handler for the provided ALPN name, it also
// calls stop on the handler.
func (cl *Listener) StopHandler(alpn string) {
handler, ok := cl.handlers[alpn]
delete(cl.handlers, alpn)
if ok {
// Handler returns the handler for the provided ALPN name
func (cl *Listener) Handler(alpn string) (Handler, bool) {
handler, ok := cl.handlers[alpn]
return handler, ok
// Server returns the http2 server that the cluster listener is using
func (cl *Listener) Server() *http2.Server {
return cl.server
// TLSConfig returns a tls config object that uses dynamic lookups to correctly
// authenticate registered handlers/clients
func (cl *Listener) TLSConfig(ctx context.Context) (*tls.Config, error) {
serverLookup := func(clientHello *tls.ClientHelloInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error) {
cl.logger.Debug("performing server cert lookup")
defer cl.l.RUnlock()
for _, v := range clientHello.SupportedProtos {
if handler, ok := cl.handlers[v]; ok {
return handler.ServerLookup(ctx, clientHello)
cl.logger.Warn("no TLS certs found for ALPN", "ALPN", clientHello.SupportedProtos)
return nil, errors.New("unsupported protocol")
clientLookup := func(requestInfo *tls.CertificateRequestInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error) {
cl.logger.Debug("performing client cert lookup")
defer cl.l.RUnlock()
for _, client := range cl.clients {
cert, err := client.ClientLookup(ctx, requestInfo)
if err == nil && cert != nil {
return cert, nil
cl.logger.Warn("no client information found")
return nil, errors.New("no client cert found")
serverConfigLookup := func(clientHello *tls.ClientHelloInfo) (*tls.Config, error) {
caPool := x509.NewCertPool()
ret := &tls.Config{
ClientAuth: tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert,
GetCertificate: serverLookup,
GetClientCertificate: clientLookup,
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
RootCAs: caPool,
ClientCAs: caPool,
NextProtos: clientHello.SupportedProtos,
CipherSuites: cl.cipherSuites,
defer cl.l.RUnlock()
for _, v := range clientHello.SupportedProtos {
if handler, ok := cl.handlers[v]; ok {
caList, err := handler.CALookup(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, ca := range caList {
return ret, nil
cl.logger.Warn("no TLS config found for ALPN", "ALPN", clientHello.SupportedProtos)
return nil, errors.New("unsupported protocol")
return &tls.Config{
ClientAuth: tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert,
GetCertificate: serverLookup,
GetClientCertificate: clientLookup,
GetConfigForClient: serverConfigLookup,
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: cl.cipherSuites,
}, nil
// Run starts the tcp listeners and will accept connections until stop is
// called. This function blocks so should be called in a goroutine.
func (cl *Listener) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
// Get our TLS config
tlsConfig, err := cl.TLSConfig(ctx)
if err != nil {
cl.logger.Error("failed to get tls configuration when starting cluster listener", "error", err)
return err
// The server supports all of the possible protos
tlsConfig.NextProtos = []string{"h2", consts.RequestForwardingALPN, consts.PerfStandbyALPN, consts.PerformanceReplicationALPN, consts.DRReplicationALPN}
for _, ln := range cl.networkLayer.Listeners() {
// closeCh is used to shutdown the spawned goroutines once this
// function returns
closeCh := make(chan struct{})
localLn := ln
// Wrap the listener with TLS
tlsLn := tls.NewListener(localLn, tlsConfig)
if cl.logger.IsInfo() {
cl.logger.Info("serving cluster requests", "cluster_listen_address", tlsLn.Addr())
// Start our listening loop
go func(closeCh chan struct{}, tlsLn net.Listener) {
defer func() {
// baseDelay is the initial delay after an Accept() error before attempting again
const baseDelay = 5 * time.Millisecond
// maxDelay is the maximum delay after an Accept() error before attempting again.
// In the case that this function is error-looping, it will delay the shutdown check.
// Therefore, changes to maxDelay may have an effect on the latency of shutdown.
const maxDelay = 1 * time.Second
var loopDelay time.Duration
for {
if atomic.LoadUint32(cl.shutdown) > 0 {
// Set the deadline for the accept call. If it passes we'll get
// an error, causing us to check the condition at the top
// again.
// Accept the connection
conn, err := tlsLn.Accept()
if err != nil {
err, ok := err.(net.Error)
if ok && !err.Timeout() {
cl.logger.Debug("non-timeout error accepting on cluster port", "error", err)
if conn != nil {
if ok && err.Timeout() {
loopDelay = 0
if loopDelay == 0 {
loopDelay = baseDelay
} else {
loopDelay *= 2
if loopDelay > maxDelay {
loopDelay = maxDelay
// No error, reset loop delay
loopDelay = 0
if conn == nil {
// Type assert to TLS connection and handshake to populate the
// connection state
tlsConn := conn.(*tls.Conn)
// Set a deadline for the handshake. This will cause clients
// that don't successfully auth to be kicked out quickly.
// Cluster connections should be reliable so being marginally
// aggressive here is fine.
err = tlsConn.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(30 * time.Second))
if err != nil {
if cl.logger.IsDebug() {
cl.logger.Debug("error setting deadline for cluster connection", "error", err)
err = tlsConn.Handshake()
if err != nil {
if cl.logger.IsDebug() {
cl.logger.Debug("error handshaking cluster connection", "error", err)
cl.logTLSSessionStart(tlsConn.RemoteAddr().String(), tlsConn.ConnectionState())
// Now, set it back to unlimited
err = tlsConn.SetDeadline(time.Time{})
if err != nil {
if cl.logger.IsDebug() {
cl.logger.Debug("error setting deadline for cluster connection", "error", err)
handler, ok := cl.handlers[tlsConn.ConnectionState().NegotiatedProtocol]
if !ok {
cl.logger.Debug("unknown negotiated protocol on cluster port")
if err := handler.Handoff(ctx, cl.shutdownWg, closeCh, tlsConn); err != nil {
cl.logger.Error("error handling cluster connection", "error", err)
}(closeCh, tlsLn)
return nil
// Stop stops the cluster listener
func (cl *Listener) Stop() {
// Set the shutdown flag. This will cause the listeners to shut down
// within the deadline in clusterListenerAcceptDeadline
atomic.StoreUint32(cl.shutdown, 1)
cl.logger.Info("forwarding rpc listeners stopped")
// Wait for them all to shut down
cl.logger.Info("rpc listeners successfully shut down")
// GetDialerFunc returns a function that looks up the TLS information for the
// provided alpn name and calls the network layer's dial function.
func (cl *Listener) GetDialerFunc(ctx context.Context, alpn string) func(string, time.Duration) (net.Conn, error) {
return func(addr string, timeout time.Duration) (net.Conn, error) {
tlsConfig, err := cl.TLSConfig(ctx)
if err != nil {
cl.logger.Error("failed to get tls configuration", "error", err)
return nil, err
if tlsConfig == nil {
return nil, errors.New("no tls config found")
client, ok := cl.clients[alpn]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no client configured for alpn: %q", alpn)
serverName := client.ServerName()
if serverName != "" {
tlsConfig.ServerName = serverName
caCert := client.CACert(ctx)
if caCert != nil {
pool := x509.NewCertPool()
tlsConfig.RootCAs = pool
tlsConfig.ClientCAs = pool
tlsConfig.NextProtos = []string{alpn}
cl.logger.Debug("creating rpc dialer", "address", addr, "alpn", alpn, "host", tlsConfig.ServerName)
conn, err := cl.networkLayer.Dial(addr, timeout, tlsConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cl.logTLSSessionStart(conn.RemoteAddr().String(), conn.ConnectionState())
return conn, nil
func (cl *Listener) logTLSSessionStart(peerAddress string, state tls.ConnectionState) {
if cl.tlsConnectionLoggingLevel != log.NoLevel {
cipherName, _ := tlsutil.GetCipherName(state.CipherSuite)
cl.logger.Log(cl.tlsConnectionLoggingLevel, "TLS connection established", "peer", peerAddress, "negotiated_protocol", state.NegotiatedProtocol, "cipher_suite", cipherName)
for _, chain := range state.VerifiedChains {
for _, cert := range chain {
cl.logger.Log(cl.tlsConnectionLoggingLevel, "Peer certificate", "is_ca", cert.IsCA, "serial_number", cert.SerialNumber.String(), "subject", cert.Subject.String(),
"signature_algorithm", cert.SignatureAlgorithm.String(), "public_key_algorithm", cert.PublicKeyAlgorithm.String(), "public_key_size", certutil.GetPublicKeySize(cert.PublicKey))
// NetworkListener is used by the network layer to define a net.Listener for use
// in the cluster listener.
type NetworkListener interface {
SetDeadline(t time.Time) error
// NetworkLayer is the network abstraction used in the cluster listener.
// Abstracting the network layer out allows us to swap the underlying
// implementations for tests.
type NetworkLayer interface {
Addrs() []net.Addr
Listeners() []NetworkListener
Dial(address string, timeout time.Duration, tlsConfig *tls.Config) (*tls.Conn, error)
Close() error
// NetworkLayerSet is used for returning a slice of layers to a caller.
type NetworkLayerSet interface {
Layers() []NetworkLayer
type NetAddr struct {
Host string
func (c *NetAddr) String() string {
return c.Host
func (*NetAddr) Network() string {
return "tcp"