remove storage/mysql

This commit is contained in:
Konstantin Demin 2024-07-01 14:20:25 +03:00
parent 3fcad1ec13
commit bea345a84c
3 changed files with 0 additions and 1127 deletions

View File

@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ import (
physConsul "github.com/hashicorp/vault/physical/consul" physConsul "github.com/hashicorp/vault/physical/consul"
physFoundationDB "github.com/hashicorp/vault/physical/foundationdb" physFoundationDB "github.com/hashicorp/vault/physical/foundationdb"
physMySQL "github.com/hashicorp/vault/physical/mysql"
physOCI "github.com/hashicorp/vault/physical/oci" physOCI "github.com/hashicorp/vault/physical/oci"
physRaft "github.com/hashicorp/vault/physical/raft" physRaft "github.com/hashicorp/vault/physical/raft"
physFile "github.com/hashicorp/vault/sdk/physical/file" physFile "github.com/hashicorp/vault/sdk/physical/file"
@ -174,7 +173,6 @@ var (
"inmem_transactional_ha": physInmem.NewTransactionalInmemHA, "inmem_transactional_ha": physInmem.NewTransactionalInmemHA,
"inmem_transactional": physInmem.NewTransactionalInmem, "inmem_transactional": physInmem.NewTransactionalInmem,
"inmem": physInmem.NewInmem, "inmem": physInmem.NewInmem,
"mysql": physMySQL.NewMySQLBackend,
"oci": physOCI.NewBackend, "oci": physOCI.NewBackend,
"raft": physRaft.NewRaftBackend, "raft": physRaft.NewRaftBackend,
} }

View File

@ -1,779 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
package mysql
import (
log "github.com/hashicorp/go-hclog"
metrics "github.com/armon/go-metrics"
mysql "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
// Verify MySQLBackend satisfies the correct interfaces
var (
_ physical.Backend = (*MySQLBackend)(nil)
_ physical.HABackend = (*MySQLBackend)(nil)
_ physical.Lock = (*MySQLHALock)(nil)
// Unreserved tls key
// Reserved values are "true", "false", "skip-verify"
const mysqlTLSKey = "default"
// MySQLBackend is a physical backend that stores data
// within MySQL database.
type MySQLBackend struct {
dbTable string
dbLockTable string
client *sql.DB
statements map[string]*sql.Stmt
logger log.Logger
permitPool *physical.PermitPool
conf map[string]string
redirectHost string
redirectPort int64
haEnabled bool
// NewMySQLBackend constructs a MySQL backend using the given API client and
// server address and credential for accessing mysql database.
func NewMySQLBackend(conf map[string]string, logger log.Logger) (physical.Backend, error) {
var err error
db, err := NewMySQLClient(conf, logger)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
database := conf["database"]
if database == "" {
database = "vault"
table := conf["table"]
if table == "" {
table = "vault"
err = validateDBTable(database, table)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dbTable := fmt.Sprintf("`%s`.`%s`", database, table)
maxParStr, ok := conf["max_parallel"]
var maxParInt int
if ok {
maxParInt, err = strconv.Atoi(maxParStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed parsing max_parallel parameter: %w", err)
if logger.IsDebug() {
logger.Debug("max_parallel set", "max_parallel", maxParInt)
} else {
maxParInt = physical.DefaultParallelOperations
// Check schema exists
var schemaExist bool
schemaRows, err := db.Query("SELECT SCHEMA_NAME FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = ?", database)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to check mysql schema exist: %w", err)
defer schemaRows.Close()
schemaExist = schemaRows.Next()
// Check table exists
var tableExist bool
tableRows, err := db.Query("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = ? AND TABLE_SCHEMA = ?", table, database)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to check mysql table exist: %w", err)
defer tableRows.Close()
tableExist = tableRows.Next()
// Create the required database if it doesn't exists.
if !schemaExist {
if _, err := db.Exec("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `" + database + "`"); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create mysql database: %w", err)
// Create the required table if it doesn't exists.
if !tableExist {
create_query := "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + dbTable +
" (vault_key varbinary(3072), vault_value mediumblob, PRIMARY KEY (vault_key))"
if _, err := db.Exec(create_query); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create mysql table: %w", err)
// Default value for ha_enabled
haEnabledStr, ok := conf["ha_enabled"]
if !ok {
haEnabledStr = "false"
haEnabled, err := strconv.ParseBool(haEnabledStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("value [%v] of 'ha_enabled' could not be understood", haEnabledStr)
locktable, ok := conf["lock_table"]
if !ok {
locktable = table + "_lock"
dbLockTable := "`" + database + "`.`" + locktable + "`"
// Only create lock table if ha_enabled is true
if haEnabled {
// Check table exists
var lockTableExist bool
lockTableRows, err := db.Query("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = ? AND TABLE_SCHEMA = ?", locktable, database)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to check mysql table exist: %w", err)
defer lockTableRows.Close()
lockTableExist = lockTableRows.Next()
// Create the required table if it doesn't exists.
if !lockTableExist {
create_query := "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + dbLockTable +
" (node_job varbinary(512), current_leader varbinary(512), PRIMARY KEY (node_job))"
if _, err := db.Exec(create_query); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create mysql table: %w", err)
// Setup the backend.
m := &MySQLBackend{
dbTable: dbTable,
dbLockTable: dbLockTable,
client: db,
statements: make(map[string]*sql.Stmt),
logger: logger,
permitPool: physical.NewPermitPool(maxParInt),
conf: conf,
haEnabled: haEnabled,
// Prepare all the statements required
statements := map[string]string{
"put": "INSERT INTO " + dbTable +
" VALUES( ?, ? ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE vault_value=VALUES(vault_value)",
"get": "SELECT vault_value FROM " + dbTable + " WHERE vault_key = ?",
"delete": "DELETE FROM " + dbTable + " WHERE vault_key = ?",
"list": "SELECT vault_key FROM " + dbTable + " WHERE vault_key LIKE ?",
// Only prepare ha-related statements if we need them
if haEnabled {
statements["get_lock"] = "SELECT current_leader FROM " + dbLockTable + " WHERE node_job = ?"
statements["used_lock"] = "SELECT IS_USED_LOCK(?)"
for name, query := range statements {
if err := m.prepare(name, query); err != nil {
return nil, err
return m, nil
// validateDBTable to prevent SQL injection attacks. This ensures that the database and table names only have valid
// characters in them. MySQL allows for more characters that this will allow, but there isn't an easy way of
// representing the full Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane to check against.
// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/identifiers.html
func validateDBTable(db, table string) (err error) {
merr := &multierror.Error{}
merr = multierror.Append(merr, wrapErr("invalid database: %w", validate(db)))
merr = multierror.Append(merr, wrapErr("invalid table: %w", validate(table)))
return merr.ErrorOrNil()
func validate(name string) (err error) {
if name == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("missing name")
// From: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/identifiers.html
// - Permitted characters in quoted identifiers include the full Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP), except U+0000:
// ASCII: U+0001 .. U+007F
// Extended: U+0080 .. U+FFFF
// - ASCII NUL (U+0000) and supplementary characters (U+10000 and higher) are not permitted in quoted or unquoted identifiers.
// - Identifiers may begin with a digit but unless quoted may not consist solely of digits.
// - Database, table, and column names cannot end with space characters.
// We are explicitly excluding all space characters (it's easier to deal with)
// The name will be quoted, so the all-digit requirement doesn't apply
runes := []rune(name)
validationErr := fmt.Errorf("invalid character found: can only include printable, non-space characters between [0x0001-0xFFFF]")
for _, r := range runes {
// U+0000 Explicitly disallowed
if r == 0x0000 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid character: cannot include 0x0000")
// Cannot be above 0xFFFF
if r > 0xFFFF {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid character: cannot include any characters above 0xFFFF")
if r == '`' {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid character: cannot include '`' character")
if r == '\'' || r == '"' {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid character: cannot include quotes")
// We are excluding non-printable characters (not mentioned in the docs)
if !unicode.IsPrint(r) {
return validationErr
// We are excluding space characters (not mentioned in the docs)
if unicode.IsSpace(r) {
return validationErr
return nil
func wrapErr(message string, err error) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf(message, err)
func NewMySQLClient(conf map[string]string, logger log.Logger) (*sql.DB, error) {
var err error
// Get the MySQL credentials to perform read/write operations.
username, ok := conf["username"]
if !ok || username == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing username")
password, ok := conf["password"]
if !ok || password == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing password")
// Get or set MySQL server address. Defaults to localhost and default port(3306)
address, ok := conf["address"]
if !ok {
address = ""
maxIdleConnStr, ok := conf["max_idle_connections"]
var maxIdleConnInt int
if ok {
maxIdleConnInt, err = strconv.Atoi(maxIdleConnStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed parsing max_idle_connections parameter: %w", err)
if logger.IsDebug() {
logger.Debug("max_idle_connections set", "max_idle_connections", maxIdleConnInt)
maxConnLifeStr, ok := conf["max_connection_lifetime"]
var maxConnLifeInt int
if ok {
maxConnLifeInt, err = strconv.Atoi(maxConnLifeStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed parsing max_connection_lifetime parameter: %w", err)
if logger.IsDebug() {
logger.Debug("max_connection_lifetime set", "max_connection_lifetime", maxConnLifeInt)
maxParStr, ok := conf["max_parallel"]
var maxParInt int
if ok {
maxParInt, err = strconv.Atoi(maxParStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed parsing max_parallel parameter: %w", err)
if logger.IsDebug() {
logger.Debug("max_parallel set", "max_parallel", maxParInt)
} else {
maxParInt = physical.DefaultParallelOperations
dsnParams := url.Values{}
tlsCaFile, tlsOk := conf["tls_ca_file"]
if tlsOk {
if err := setupMySQLTLSConfig(tlsCaFile); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed register TLS config: %w", err)
dsnParams.Add("tls", mysqlTLSKey)
ptAllowed, ptOk := conf["plaintext_connection_allowed"]
if !(ptOk && strings.ToLower(ptAllowed) == "true") && !tlsOk {
logger.Warn("No TLS specified, credentials will be sent in plaintext. To mute this warning add 'plaintext_connection_allowed' with a true value to your MySQL configuration in your config file.")
// Create MySQL handle for the database.
dsn := username + ":" + password + "@tcp(" + address + ")/?" + dsnParams.Encode()
db, err := sql.Open("mysql", dsn)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to connect to mysql: %w", err)
if maxIdleConnInt != 0 {
if maxConnLifeInt != 0 {
db.SetConnMaxLifetime(time.Duration(maxConnLifeInt) * time.Second)
return db, err
// prepare is a helper to prepare a query for future execution
func (m *MySQLBackend) prepare(name, query string) error {
stmt, err := m.client.Prepare(query)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to prepare %q: %w", name, err)
m.statements[name] = stmt
return nil
// Put is used to insert or update an entry.
func (m *MySQLBackend) Put(ctx context.Context, entry *physical.Entry) error {
defer metrics.MeasureSince([]string{"mysql", "put"}, time.Now())
defer m.permitPool.Release()
_, err := m.statements["put"].Exec(entry.Key, entry.Value)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Get is used to fetch an entry.
func (m *MySQLBackend) Get(ctx context.Context, key string) (*physical.Entry, error) {
defer metrics.MeasureSince([]string{"mysql", "get"}, time.Now())
defer m.permitPool.Release()
var result []byte
err := m.statements["get"].QueryRow(key).Scan(&result)
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return nil, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ent := &physical.Entry{
Key: key,
Value: result,
return ent, nil
// Delete is used to permanently delete an entry
func (m *MySQLBackend) Delete(ctx context.Context, key string) error {
defer metrics.MeasureSince([]string{"mysql", "delete"}, time.Now())
defer m.permitPool.Release()
_, err := m.statements["delete"].Exec(key)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// List is used to list all the keys under a given
// prefix, up to the next prefix.
func (m *MySQLBackend) List(ctx context.Context, prefix string) ([]string, error) {
defer metrics.MeasureSince([]string{"mysql", "list"}, time.Now())
defer m.permitPool.Release()
// Add the % wildcard to the prefix to do the prefix search
likePrefix := prefix + "%"
rows, err := m.statements["list"].Query(likePrefix)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to execute statement: %w", err)
var keys []string
for rows.Next() {
var key string
err = rows.Scan(&key)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to scan rows: %w", err)
key = strings.TrimPrefix(key, prefix)
if i := strings.Index(key, "/"); i == -1 {
// Add objects only from the current 'folder'
keys = append(keys, key)
} else if i != -1 {
// Add truncated 'folder' paths
keys = strutil.AppendIfMissing(keys, string(key[:i+1]))
return keys, nil
// LockWith is used for mutual exclusion based on the given key.
func (m *MySQLBackend) LockWith(key, value string) (physical.Lock, error) {
l := &MySQLHALock{
in: m,
key: key,
value: value,
logger: m.logger,
return l, nil
func (m *MySQLBackend) HAEnabled() bool {
return m.haEnabled
// MySQLHALock is a MySQL Lock implementation for the HABackend
type MySQLHALock struct {
in *MySQLBackend
key string
value string
logger log.Logger
held bool
localLock sync.Mutex
leaderCh chan struct{}
stopCh <-chan struct{}
lock *MySQLLock
func (i *MySQLHALock) Lock(stopCh <-chan struct{}) (<-chan struct{}, error) {
defer i.localLock.Unlock()
if i.held {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("lock already held")
// Attempt an async acquisition
didLock := make(chan struct{})
failLock := make(chan error, 1)
releaseCh := make(chan bool, 1)
go i.attemptLock(i.key, i.value, didLock, failLock, releaseCh)
// Wait for lock acquisition, failure, or shutdown
select {
case <-didLock:
releaseCh <- false
case err := <-failLock:
return nil, err
case <-stopCh:
releaseCh <- true
return nil, nil
// Create the leader channel
i.held = true
i.leaderCh = make(chan struct{})
go i.monitorLock(i.leaderCh)
i.stopCh = stopCh
return i.leaderCh, nil
func (i *MySQLHALock) attemptLock(key, value string, didLock chan struct{}, failLock chan error, releaseCh chan bool) {
lock, err := NewMySQLLock(i.in, i.logger, key, value)
if err != nil {
failLock <- err
// Set node value
i.lock = lock
err = lock.Lock()
if err != nil {
failLock <- err
// Signal that lock is held
// Handle an early abort
release := <-releaseCh
if release {
func (i *MySQLHALock) monitorLock(leaderCh chan struct{}) {
for {
// The only way to lose this lock is if someone is
// logging into the DB and altering system tables or you lose a connection in
// which case you will lose the lock anyway.
err := i.hasLock(i.key)
if err != nil {
// Somehow we lost the lock.... likely because the connection holding
// the lock was closed or someone was playing around with the locks in the DB.
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
func (i *MySQLHALock) Unlock() error {
defer i.localLock.Unlock()
if !i.held {
return nil
err := i.lock.Unlock()
if err == nil {
i.held = false
return nil
return err
// hasLock will check if a lock is held by checking the current lock id against our known ID.
func (i *MySQLHALock) hasLock(key string) error {
var result sql.NullInt64
err := i.in.statements["used_lock"].QueryRow(key).Scan(&result)
if err == sql.ErrNoRows || !result.Valid {
// This is not an error to us since it just means the lock isn't held
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
// IS_USED_LOCK will return the ID of the connection that created the lock.
if result.Int64 != GlobalLockID {
return ErrLockHeld
return nil
func (i *MySQLHALock) GetLeader() (string, error) {
defer metrics.MeasureSince([]string{"mysql", "lock_get"}, time.Now())
var result string
err := i.in.statements["get_lock"].QueryRow("leader").Scan(&result)
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return "", err
return result, nil
func (i *MySQLHALock) Value() (bool, string, error) {
leaderkey, err := i.GetLeader()
if err != nil {
return false, "", err
return true, leaderkey, err
// MySQLLock provides an easy way to grab and release mysql
// locks using the built in GET_LOCK function. Note that these
// locks are released when you lose connection to the server.
type MySQLLock struct {
parentConn *MySQLBackend
in *sql.DB
logger log.Logger
statements map[string]*sql.Stmt
key string
value string
// Errors specific to trying to grab a lock in MySQL
var (
// This is the GlobalLockID for checking if the lock we got is still the current lock
GlobalLockID int64
// ErrLockHeld is returned when another vault instance already has a lock held for the given key.
ErrLockHeld = errors.New("mysql: lock already held")
// ErrUnlockFailed
ErrUnlockFailed = errors.New("mysql: unable to release lock, already released or not held by this session")
// You were unable to update that you are the new leader in the DB
ErrClaimFailed = errors.New("mysql: unable to update DB with new leader information")
// Error to throw if between getting the lock and checking the ID of it we lost it.
ErrSettingGlobalID = errors.New("mysql: getting global lock id failed")
// NewMySQLLock helper function
func NewMySQLLock(in *MySQLBackend, l log.Logger, key, value string) (*MySQLLock, error) {
// Create a new MySQL connection so we can close this and have no effect on
// the rest of the MySQL backend and any cleanup that might need to be done.
conn, _ := NewMySQLClient(in.conf, in.logger)
m := &MySQLLock{
parentConn: in,
in: conn,
logger: l,
statements: make(map[string]*sql.Stmt),
key: key,
value: value,
statements := map[string]string{
"put": "INSERT INTO " + in.dbLockTable +
" VALUES( ?, ? ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE current_leader=VALUES(current_leader)",
for name, query := range statements {
if err := m.prepare(name, query); err != nil {
return nil, err
return m, nil
// prepare is a helper to prepare a query for future execution
func (m *MySQLLock) prepare(name, query string) error {
stmt, err := m.in.Prepare(query)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to prepare %q: %w", name, err)
m.statements[name] = stmt
return nil
// update the current cluster leader in the DB. This is used so
// we can tell the servers in standby who the active leader is.
func (i *MySQLLock) becomeLeader() error {
_, err := i.statements["put"].Exec("leader", i.value)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Lock will try to get a lock for an indefinite amount of time
// based on the given key that has been requested.
func (i *MySQLLock) Lock() error {
defer metrics.MeasureSince([]string{"mysql", "get_lock"}, time.Now())
// Lock timeout math.MaxInt32 instead of -1 solves compatibility issues with
// different MySQL flavours i.e. MariaDB
rows, err := i.in.Query("SELECT GET_LOCK(?, ?), IS_USED_LOCK(?)", i.key, math.MaxInt32, i.key)
if err != nil {
return err
defer rows.Close()
var lock sql.NullInt64
var connectionID sql.NullInt64
rows.Scan(&lock, &connectionID)
if rows.Err() != nil {
return rows.Err()
// 1 is returned from GET_LOCK if it was able to get the lock
// 0 if it failed and NULL if some strange error happened.
// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/miscellaneous-functions.html#function_get-lock
if !lock.Valid || lock.Int64 != 1 {
return ErrLockHeld
// Since we have the lock alert the rest of the cluster
// that we are now the active leader.
err = i.becomeLeader()
if err != nil {
return ErrLockHeld
// This will return the connection ID of NULL if an error happens
// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/miscellaneous-functions.html#function_is-used-lock
if !connectionID.Valid {
return ErrSettingGlobalID
GlobalLockID = connectionID.Int64
return nil
// Unlock just closes the connection. This is because closing the MySQL connection
// is a 100% reliable way to close the lock. If you just release the lock you must
// do it from the same mysql connection_id that you originally created it from. This
// is a huge hastle and I actually couldn't find a clean way to do this although one
// likely does exist. Closing the connection however ensures we don't ever get into a
// state where we try to release the lock and it hangs it is also much less code.
func (i *MySQLLock) Unlock() error {
err := i.in.Close()
if err != nil {
return ErrUnlockFailed
return nil
// Establish a TLS connection with a given CA certificate
// Register a tsl.Config associated with the same key as the dns param from sql.Open
// foo:bar@tcp(
func setupMySQLTLSConfig(tlsCaFile string) error {
rootCertPool := x509.NewCertPool()
pem, err := ioutil.ReadFile(tlsCaFile)
if err != nil {
return err
if ok := rootCertPool.AppendCertsFromPEM(pem); !ok {
return err
err = mysql.RegisterTLSConfig(mysqlTLSKey, &tls.Config{
RootCAs: rootCertPool,
if err != nil {
return err
return nil

View File

@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
package mysql
import (
log "github.com/hashicorp/go-hclog"
_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
mysql "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
mysqlhelper "github.com/hashicorp/vault/helper/testhelpers/mysql"
func TestMySQLPlaintextCatch(t *testing.T) {
address := os.Getenv("MYSQL_ADDR")
if address == "" {
database := os.Getenv("MYSQL_DB")
if database == "" {
database = "test"
table := os.Getenv("MYSQL_TABLE")
if table == "" {
table = "test"
username := os.Getenv("MYSQL_USERNAME")
password := os.Getenv("MYSQL_PASSWORD")
// Run vault tests
var buf bytes.Buffer
log.DefaultOutput = &buf
logger := logging.NewVaultLogger(log.Debug)
"address": address,
"database": database,
"table": table,
"username": username,
"password": password,
"plaintext_connection_allowed": "false",
}, logger)
str := buf.String()
dataIdx := strings.IndexByte(str, ' ')
rest := str[dataIdx+1:]
if !strings.Contains(rest, "credentials will be sent in plaintext") {
t.Fatalf("No warning of plaintext credentials occurred")
func TestMySQLBackend(t *testing.T) {
address := os.Getenv("MYSQL_ADDR")
if address == "" {
database := os.Getenv("MYSQL_DB")
if database == "" {
database = "test"
table := os.Getenv("MYSQL_TABLE")
if table == "" {
table = "test"
username := os.Getenv("MYSQL_USERNAME")
password := os.Getenv("MYSQL_PASSWORD")
// Run vault tests
logger := logging.NewVaultLogger(log.Debug)
b, err := NewMySQLBackend(map[string]string{
"address": address,
"database": database,
"table": table,
"username": username,
"password": password,
"plaintext_connection_allowed": "true",
"max_connection_lifetime": "1",
}, logger)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create new backend: %v", err)
defer func() {
mysql := b.(*MySQLBackend)
_, err := mysql.client.Exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + mysql.dbTable + " ," + mysql.dbLockTable)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to drop table: %v", err)
physical.ExerciseBackend(t, b)
physical.ExerciseBackend_ListPrefix(t, b)
func TestMySQLHABackend(t *testing.T) {
address := os.Getenv("MYSQL_ADDR")
if address == "" {
database := os.Getenv("MYSQL_DB")
if database == "" {
database = "test"
table := os.Getenv("MYSQL_TABLE")
if table == "" {
table = "test"
username := os.Getenv("MYSQL_USERNAME")
password := os.Getenv("MYSQL_PASSWORD")
// Run vault tests
logger := logging.NewVaultLogger(log.Debug)
config := map[string]string{
"address": address,
"database": database,
"table": table,
"username": username,
"password": password,
"ha_enabled": "true",
"plaintext_connection_allowed": "true",
b, err := NewMySQLBackend(config, logger)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create new backend: %v", err)
defer func() {
mysql := b.(*MySQLBackend)
_, err := mysql.client.Exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + mysql.dbTable + " ," + mysql.dbLockTable)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to drop table: %v", err)
b2, err := NewMySQLBackend(config, logger)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create new backend: %v", err)
physical.ExerciseHABackend(t, b.(physical.HABackend), b2.(physical.HABackend))
// TestMySQLHABackend_LockFailPanic is a regression test for the panic shown in
// https://github.com/hashicorp/vault/issues/8203 and patched in
// https://github.com/hashicorp/vault/pull/8229
func TestMySQLHABackend_LockFailPanic(t *testing.T) {
cleanup, connURL := mysqlhelper.PrepareTestContainer(t, false, "secret")
cfg, err := mysql.ParseDSN(connURL)
if err != nil {
if err := mysqlhelper.TestCredsExist(t, connURL, cfg.User, cfg.Passwd); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Could not connect with new credentials: %s", err)
table := "test"
logger := logging.NewVaultLogger(log.Debug)
config := map[string]string{
"address": cfg.Addr,
"database": cfg.DBName,
"table": table,
"username": cfg.User,
"password": cfg.Passwd,
"ha_enabled": "true",
"plaintext_connection_allowed": "true",
b, err := NewMySQLBackend(config, logger)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create new backend: %v", err)
b2, err := NewMySQLBackend(config, logger)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create new backend: %v", err)
b1ha := b.(physical.HABackend)
b2ha := b2.(physical.HABackend)
// Copied from ExerciseHABackend - ensuring things are normal at this point
// Get the lock
lock, err := b1ha.LockWith("foo", "bar")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("initial lock: %v", err)
// Attempt to lock
leaderCh, err := lock.Lock(nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("lock attempt 1: %v", err)
if leaderCh == nil {
t.Fatalf("missing leaderCh")
// Check the value
held, val, err := lock.Value()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %v", err)
if !held {
t.Errorf("should be held")
if val != "bar" {
t.Errorf("expected value bar: %v", err)
// Second acquisition should fail
lock2, err := b2ha.LockWith("foo", "baz")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("lock 2: %v", err)
stopCh := make(chan struct{})
time.AfterFunc(10*time.Second, func() {
// Attempt to lock - can't lock because lock1 is held - this is normal
leaderCh2, err := lock2.Lock(stopCh)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("stop lock 2: %v", err)
if leaderCh2 != nil {
t.Errorf("should not have gotten leaderCh: %v", leaderCh2)
// end normal
// Clean up the database. When Lock() is called, a new connection is created
// using the configuration. If that connection cannot be created, there was a
// panic due to not returning with the connection error. Here we intentionally
// break the config for b2, so a new connection can't be made, which would
// trigger the panic shown in https://github.com/hashicorp/vault/issues/8203
stopCh2 := make(chan struct{})
time.AfterFunc(10*time.Second, func() {
leaderCh2, err = lock2.Lock(stopCh2)
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected error, got none, leaderCh2=%v", leaderCh2)
func TestValidateDBTable(t *testing.T) {
type testCase struct {
database string
table string
expectErr bool
tests := map[string]testCase{
"empty database & table": {"", "", true},
"empty database": {"", "a", true},
"empty table": {"a", "", true},
"ascii database": {"abcde", "a", false},
"ascii table": {"a", "abcde", false},
"ascii database & table": {"abcde", "abcde", false},
"only whitespace db": {" ", "a", true},
"only whitespace table": {"a", " ", true},
"whitespace prefix db": {" bcde", "a", true},
"whitespace middle db": {"ab de", "a", true},
"whitespace suffix db": {"abcd ", "a", true},
"whitespace prefix table": {"a", " bcde", true},
"whitespace middle table": {"a", "ab de", true},
"whitespace suffix table": {"a", "abcd ", true},
"backtick prefix db": {"`bcde", "a", true},
"backtick middle db": {"ab`de", "a", true},
"backtick suffix db": {"abcd`", "a", true},
"backtick prefix table": {"a", "`bcde", true},
"backtick middle table": {"a", "ab`de", true},
"backtick suffix table": {"a", "abcd`", true},
"single quote prefix db": {"'bcde", "a", true},
"single quote middle db": {"ab'de", "a", true},
"single quote suffix db": {"abcd'", "a", true},
"single quote prefix table": {"a", "'bcde", true},
"single quote middle table": {"a", "ab'de", true},
"single quote suffix table": {"a", "abcd'", true},
"double quote prefix db": {`"bcde`, "a", true},
"double quote middle db": {`ab"de`, "a", true},
"double quote suffix db": {`abcd"`, "a", true},
"double quote prefix table": {"a", `"bcde`, true},
"double quote middle table": {"a", `ab"de`, true},
"double quote suffix table": {"a", `abcd"`, true},
"0x0000 prefix db": {str(0x0000, 'b', 'c'), "a", true},
"0x0000 middle db": {str('a', 0x0000, 'c'), "a", true},
"0x0000 suffix db": {str('a', 'b', 0x0000), "a", true},
"0x0000 prefix table": {"a", str(0x0000, 'b', 'c'), true},
"0x0000 middle table": {"a", str('a', 0x0000, 'c'), true},
"0x0000 suffix table": {"a", str('a', 'b', 0x0000), true},
"unicode > 0xFFFF prefix db": {str(0x10000, 'b', 'c'), "a", true},
"unicode > 0xFFFF middle db": {str('a', 0x10000, 'c'), "a", true},
"unicode > 0xFFFF suffix db": {str('a', 'b', 0x10000), "a", true},
"unicode > 0xFFFF prefix table": {"a", str(0x10000, 'b', 'c'), true},
"unicode > 0xFFFF middle table": {"a", str('a', 0x10000, 'c'), true},
"unicode > 0xFFFF suffix table": {"a", str('a', 'b', 0x10000), true},
"non-printable prefix db": {str(0x0001, 'b', 'c'), "a", true},
"non-printable middle db": {str('a', 0x0001, 'c'), "a", true},
"non-printable suffix db": {str('a', 'b', 0x0001), "a", true},
"non-printable prefix table": {"a", str(0x0001, 'b', 'c'), true},
"non-printable middle table": {"a", str('a', 0x0001, 'c'), true},
"non-printable suffix table": {"a", str('a', 'b', 0x0001), true},
for name, test := range tests {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
err := validateDBTable(test.database, test.table)
if test.expectErr && err == nil {
t.Fatalf("err expected, got nil")
if !test.expectErr && err != nil {
t.Fatalf("no error expected, got: %s", err)
func str(r ...rune) string {
return string(r)