#!/usr/bin/make -f include /usr/share/dpkg/architecture.mk include /usr/share/dpkg/pkg-info.mk DEB_VERSION_SOURCE = $(shell echo '$(DEB_VERSION)' | sed -re 's/\+b([0-9]+)$$//') include debian/rules.defs ifneq (,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) DEBIAN_KERNEL_JOBS := $(subst parallel=,,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) endif ifdef DEBIAN_KERNEL_JOBS MAKEFLAGS += -j$(DEBIAN_KERNEL_JOBS) endif # dpkg-buildpackage passes the -s option if DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS contains # terse, but that triggers Kbuild to turn off progress messages # completely, which we don't want. override MAKEFLAGS := $(subst s,,$(filter-out -%,$(MAKEFLAGS))) $(filter -%,$(MAKEFLAGS)) .NOTPARALLEL: source: debian/control dh_testdir $(MAKE) -f debian/rules.gen source setup: debian/control dh_testdir $(MAKE) -f debian/rules.gen setup_$(DEB_HOST_ARCH) build: build-arch build-indep build-arch: debian/control dh_testdir $(MAKE) -f debian/rules.gen build-arch_$(DEB_HOST_ARCH) build-indep: debian/control dh_testdir $(MAKE) -f debian/rules.gen build-indep binary: binary-indep binary-arch binary-arch: build-arch dh_testdir $(MAKE) -f debian/rules.gen binary-arch_$(DEB_HOST_ARCH) binary-indep: build-indep dh_testdir $(MAKE) -f debian/rules.gen binary-indep CLEAN_PATTERNS := $(BUILD_DIR) $(STAMPS_DIR) debian/lib/python/debian_linux/*.pyc debian/lib/python/debian_linux/__pycache__ $$(find debian -maxdepth 1 -type d -name 'linux-*') debian/*-tmp debian/*.substvars clean-generated: rm -rf $(CLEAN_PATTERNS) # We cannot use dh_clean here because it requires debian/control to exist rm -rf debian/.debhelper debian/*.debhelper* debian/files debian/generated.* rm -f \ debian/control \ debian/control.md5sum \ debian/linux-headers-*.maintscript \ debian/linux-headers-*.postinst \ debian/linux-image-*.lintian-overrides \ debian/linux-image-*.maintscript \ debian/linux-image-*.postinst \ debian/linux-image-*.postrm \ debian/linux-image-*.preinst \ debian/linux-image-*.prerm \ debian/linux-source.maintscript \ debian/rules.gen maintainerclean: clean-generated rm -rf $(filter-out debian .git, $(wildcard * .[^.]*)) clean: debian/control dh_testdir rm -rf $(CLEAN_PATTERNS) dh_clean CONTROL_FILES = $(BUILD_DIR)/version-info $(sort $(wildcard debian/templates/*.in)) CONTROL_FILES += debian/config/defines.toml $(sort $(wildcard debian/config/*/defines.toml)) # debian/bin/gencontrol.py uses debian/changelog as input, but the # output only depends on the source name and version. To avoid # frequent changes to debian/control.md5sum, include only those fields # in the checksum. $(BUILD_DIR)/version-info: debian/changelog mkdir -p $(@D) # Use DEB_VERSION_SOURCE to allow binNMU printf >$@ 'Source: %s\nVersion: %s\n' '$(DEB_SOURCE)' '$(DEB_VERSION)' debian/control debian/rules.gen: debian/bin/gencontrol.py $(CONTROL_FILES) ifeq ($(wildcard debian/control.md5sum),) $(MAKE) -f debian/rules debian/control-real else md5sum --check debian/control.md5sum --status || \ $(MAKE) -f debian/rules debian/control-real endif debian/control-real: debian/bin/gencontrol.py $(CONTROL_FILES) # Hash randomisation makes the pickled config unreproducible PYTHONHASHSEED=0 $< find debian/ -name __pycache__ -type d -exec rm -rf {} + find debian/ -name '*.pyc' -type f -exec rm -f {} + md5sum $(sort $^) > debian/control.md5sum .PHONY: binary binary-% build build-% clean debian/control-real setup source clean-generated