425 lines
14 KiB
425 lines
14 KiB
import pytest
from .debian import (
class TestVersion:
def test_native(self) -> None:
v = Version('1.2+c~4')
assert v.epoch is None
assert v.upstream == '1.2+c~4'
assert v.revision is None
assert v.complete == '1.2+c~4'
assert v.complete_noepoch == '1.2+c~4'
def test_nonnative(self) -> None:
v = Version('1-2+d~3')
assert v.epoch is None
assert v.upstream == '1'
assert v.revision == '2+d~3'
assert v.complete == '1-2+d~3'
assert v.complete_noepoch == '1-2+d~3'
def test_native_epoch(self) -> None:
v = Version('5:1.2.3')
assert v.epoch == 5
assert v.upstream == '1.2.3'
assert v.revision is None
assert v.complete == '5:1.2.3'
assert v.complete_noepoch == '1.2.3'
def test_nonnative_epoch(self) -> None:
v = Version('5:1.2.3-4')
assert v.epoch == 5
assert v.upstream == '1.2.3'
assert v.revision == '4'
assert v.complete == '5:1.2.3-4'
assert v.complete_noepoch == '1.2.3-4'
def test_multi_hyphen(self) -> None:
v = Version('1-2-3')
assert v.epoch is None
assert v.upstream == '1-2'
assert v.revision == '3'
assert v.complete == '1-2-3'
def test_multi_colon(self) -> None:
v = Version('1:2:3')
assert v.epoch == 1
assert v.upstream == '2:3'
assert v.revision is None
def test_invalid_epoch(self) -> None:
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
def test_invalid_upstream(self) -> None:
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
Version('1 2')
def test_invalid_revision(self) -> None:
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
class TestVersionLinux:
def test_stable(self) -> None:
v = VersionLinux('1.2.3-4')
assert v.linux_version == '1.2'
assert v.linux_upstream == '1.2'
assert v.linux_upstream_full == '1.2.3'
assert v.linux_modifier is None
assert v.linux_dfsg is None
assert not v.linux_revision_experimental
assert not v.linux_revision_security
assert not v.linux_revision_backports
assert not v.linux_revision_other
def test_rc(self) -> None:
v = VersionLinux('1.2~rc3-4')
assert v.linux_version == '1.2'
assert v.linux_upstream == '1.2-rc3'
assert v.linux_upstream_full == '1.2-rc3'
assert v.linux_modifier == 'rc3'
assert v.linux_dfsg is None
assert not v.linux_revision_experimental
assert not v.linux_revision_security
assert not v.linux_revision_backports
assert not v.linux_revision_other
def test_dfsg(self) -> None:
v = VersionLinux('1.2~rc3.dfsg.1-4')
assert v.linux_version == '1.2'
assert v.linux_upstream == '1.2-rc3'
assert v.linux_upstream_full == '1.2-rc3'
assert v.linux_modifier == 'rc3'
assert v.linux_dfsg == '1'
assert not v.linux_revision_experimental
assert not v.linux_revision_security
assert not v.linux_revision_backports
assert not v.linux_revision_other
def test_experimental(self) -> None:
v = VersionLinux('1.2~rc3-4~exp5')
assert v.linux_upstream_full == '1.2-rc3'
assert v.linux_revision_experimental
assert not v.linux_revision_security
assert not v.linux_revision_backports
assert not v.linux_revision_other
def test_security(self) -> None:
v = VersionLinux('1.2.3-4+deb10u1')
assert v.linux_upstream_full == '1.2.3'
assert not v.linux_revision_experimental
assert v.linux_revision_security
assert not v.linux_revision_backports
assert not v.linux_revision_other
def test_backports(self) -> None:
v = VersionLinux('1.2.3-4~bpo9+10')
assert v.linux_upstream_full == '1.2.3'
assert not v.linux_revision_experimental
assert not v.linux_revision_security
assert v.linux_revision_backports
assert not v.linux_revision_other
def test_security_backports(self) -> None:
v = VersionLinux('1.2.3-4+deb10u1~bpo9+10')
assert v.linux_upstream_full == '1.2.3'
assert not v.linux_revision_experimental
assert v.linux_revision_security
assert v.linux_revision_backports
assert not v.linux_revision_other
def test_lts_backports(self) -> None:
# Backport during LTS, as an extra package in the -security
# suite. Since this is not part of a -backports suite it
# shouldn't get the linux_revision_backports flag.
v = VersionLinux('1.2.3-4~deb9u10')
assert v.linux_upstream_full == '1.2.3'
assert not v.linux_revision_experimental
assert v.linux_revision_security
assert not v.linux_revision_backports
assert not v.linux_revision_other
def test_lts_backports_2(self) -> None:
# Same but with two security extensions in the revision.
v = VersionLinux('1.2.3-4+deb10u1~deb9u10')
assert v.linux_upstream_full == '1.2.3'
assert not v.linux_revision_experimental
assert v.linux_revision_security
assert not v.linux_revision_backports
assert not v.linux_revision_other
def test_binnmu(self) -> None:
v = VersionLinux('1.2.3-4+b1')
assert not v.linux_revision_experimental
assert not v.linux_revision_security
assert not v.linux_revision_backports
assert not v.linux_revision_other
def test_other_revision(self) -> None:
v = VersionLinux('4.16.5-1+revert+crng+ready') # from #898087
assert not v.linux_revision_experimental
assert not v.linux_revision_security
assert not v.linux_revision_backports
assert v.linux_revision_other
def test_other_revision_binnmu(self) -> None:
v = VersionLinux('4.16.5-1+revert+crng+ready+b1')
assert not v.linux_revision_experimental
assert not v.linux_revision_security
assert not v.linux_revision_backports
assert v.linux_revision_other
class TestPackageArchitecture:
def test_init(self) -> None:
a = PackageArchitecture()
assert a == set()
def test_init_str(self) -> None:
a = PackageArchitecture(' foo bar\tbaz ')
assert a == {'foo', 'bar', 'baz'}
def test_init_iter(self) -> None:
a = PackageArchitecture(('foo', 'bar'))
assert a == {'foo', 'bar'}
def test_init_self(self) -> None:
a = PackageArchitecture(PackageArchitecture(('foo', 'bar')))
assert a == {'foo', 'bar'}
def test_str(self) -> None:
a = PackageArchitecture(('foo', 'bar'))
assert str(a) == 'bar foo'
class TestPackageDescription:
def test_init(self) -> None:
a = PackageDescription()
assert a.short == []
assert a.long == []
def test_init_str(self) -> None:
a = PackageDescription('Short\nLong1\n.\nLong2')
assert a.short == ['Short']
assert a.long == ['Long1', 'Long2']
def test_init_self(self) -> None:
a = PackageDescription(PackageDescription('Short\nLong1\n.\nLong2'))
assert a.short == ['Short']
assert a.long == ['Long1', 'Long2']
def test_str(self) -> None:
a = PackageDescription('Short\nLong1\n.\nLong2')
assert str(a) == 'Short\nLong1\n.\nLong2'
class TestPackageRelationEntry:
def test_init_str(self) -> None:
a = PackageRelationEntry('package (>=version) [arch2 arch1] <profile1 >')
assert a.name == 'package'
assert a.version == 'version'
assert a.arches == {'arch1', 'arch2'}
# TODO: assert a.profiles
assert str(a) == 'package (>= version) [arch1 arch2] <profile1>'
def test_init_self(self) -> None:
a = PackageRelationEntry(PackageRelationEntry('package [arch2 arch1]'))
assert a.name == 'package'
assert a.arches == {'arch1', 'arch2'}
assert str(a) == 'package [arch1 arch2]'
class TestPackageRelationGroup:
def test_init(self) -> None:
a = PackageRelationGroup()
assert a == []
def test_init_str(self) -> None:
a = PackageRelationGroup('foo | bar')
assert len(a) == 2
assert a[0].name == 'foo'
assert a[1].name == 'bar'
def test_init_iter_entry(self) -> None:
a = PackageRelationGroup((PackageRelationEntry('foo'), PackageRelationEntry('bar')))
assert len(a) == 2
assert a[0].name == 'foo'
assert a[1].name == 'bar'
def test_init_iter_str(self) -> None:
a = PackageRelationGroup(('foo', 'bar'))
assert len(a) == 2
assert a[0].name == 'foo'
assert a[1].name == 'bar'
def test_init_self(self) -> None:
a = PackageRelationGroup(PackageRelationGroup(['foo', 'bar']))
assert len(a) == 2
assert a[0].name == 'foo'
assert a[1].name == 'bar'
def test_str(self) -> None:
a = PackageRelationGroup('foo| bar')
assert str(a) == 'foo | bar'
class TestPackageRelation:
def test_init(self) -> None:
a = PackageRelation()
assert a == []
def test_init_str(self) -> None:
a = PackageRelation('foo1 | foo2, bar')
assert len(a) == 2
assert len(a[0]) == 2
assert a[0][0].name == 'foo1'
assert a[0][1].name == 'foo2'
assert len(a[1]) == 1
assert a[1][0].name == 'bar'
def test_init_iter_entry(self) -> None:
a = PackageRelation([[PackageRelationEntry('foo')], [PackageRelationEntry('bar')]])
assert len(a) == 2
assert len(a[0]) == 1
assert a[0][0].name == 'foo'
assert len(a[1]) == 1
assert a[1][0].name == 'bar'
def test_init_iter_str(self) -> None:
a = PackageRelation(('foo', 'bar'))
assert len(a) == 2
assert len(a[0]) == 1
assert a[0][0].name == 'foo'
assert len(a[1]) == 1
assert a[1][0].name == 'bar'
def test_init_self(self) -> None:
a = PackageRelation(PackageRelation(('foo', 'bar')))
assert len(a) == 2
assert len(a[0]) == 1
assert a[0][0].name == 'foo'
assert len(a[1]) == 1
assert a[1][0].name == 'bar'
def test_str(self) -> None:
a = PackageRelation('foo ,bar')
assert str(a) == 'foo, bar'
class TestPackageBuildprofileEntry:
def test_parse(self) -> None:
a = PackageBuildprofileEntry.parse('<profile1 !profile2 profile3 !profile4>')
assert a.pos == {'profile1', 'profile3'}
assert a.neg == {'profile2', 'profile4'}
assert str(a) == '<profile1 profile3 !profile2 !profile4>'
def test_eq(self) -> None:
a = PackageBuildprofileEntry.parse('<profile1 !profile2>')
b = PackageBuildprofileEntry(pos={'profile1'}, neg={'profile2'})
assert a == b
def test_isdisjoint(self) -> None:
a = PackageBuildprofileEntry.parse('<profile1 profile2>')
b = PackageBuildprofileEntry.parse('<profile1 profile3>')
assert a.isdisjoint(b)
def test_issubset_empty(self) -> None:
a = PackageBuildprofileEntry.parse('<profile1 profile2>')
b = PackageBuildprofileEntry()
assert a.issubset(b)
def test_issubset_pos(self) -> None:
a = PackageBuildprofileEntry.parse('<profile1 profile2>')
b = PackageBuildprofileEntry.parse('<profile1>')
assert a.issubset(b)
def test_issubset_neg(self) -> None:
a = PackageBuildprofileEntry.parse('<!profile1>')
b = PackageBuildprofileEntry.parse('<!profile1 !profile2>')
assert a.issubset(b)
def test_issubset_both(self) -> None:
a = PackageBuildprofileEntry.parse('<!profile1 !profile2 profile3>')
b = PackageBuildprofileEntry.parse('<!profile1 !profile2 !profile3>')
assert a.issubset(b)
def test_issuperset_empty(self) -> None:
a = PackageBuildprofileEntry.parse('<profile1 profile2>')
b = PackageBuildprofileEntry()
assert b.issuperset(a)
def test_issuperset_pos(self) -> None:
a = PackageBuildprofileEntry.parse('<profile1 profile2>')
b = PackageBuildprofileEntry.parse('<profile1>')
assert b.issuperset(a)
def test_issuperset_neg(self) -> None:
a = PackageBuildprofileEntry.parse('<!profile1>')
b = PackageBuildprofileEntry.parse('<!profile1 !profile2>')
assert b.issuperset(a)
def test_issuperset_both(self) -> None:
a = PackageBuildprofileEntry.parse('<!profile1 !profile2 profile3>')
b = PackageBuildprofileEntry.parse('<!profile1 !profile2 !profile3>')
assert b.issuperset(a)
def test_update_pos(self) -> None:
a = PackageBuildprofileEntry.parse('<profile1 profile2>')
b = PackageBuildprofileEntry.parse('<profile1>')
assert a.pos == {'profile1'}
assert a.neg == set()
def test_update_neg(self) -> None:
a = PackageBuildprofileEntry.parse('<!profile1 !profile2>')
b = PackageBuildprofileEntry.parse('<!profile1>')
assert a.pos == set()
assert a.neg == {'profile1'}
def test_update_both(self) -> None:
a = PackageBuildprofileEntry.parse('<profile1 !profile2 profile3>')
b = PackageBuildprofileEntry.parse('<profile1 !profile2 !profile3>')
assert a.pos == {'profile1'}
assert a.neg == {'profile2'}
class TestPackageBuildprofile:
def test_parse(self) -> None:
a = PackageBuildprofile.parse('<profile1> <!profile2> <profile3> <!profile4>')
assert str(a) == '<profile1> <!profile2> <profile3> <!profile4>'
def test_update(self) -> None:
a = PackageBuildprofile.parse('<profile1 profile2> <profile2>')
b = PackageBuildprofile.parse('<profile1> <profile2 !profile3> <profile3>')
assert str(a) == '<profile1> <profile2> <profile3>'