#!/bin/zsh ## fancy and manageable PS1 for git typeset -gA ZSHU_GIT ZSHU_PM ZSHU_PS ZSHU_PS[git]=0 ZSHU_PM[git_branch]='🞷' ZSHU_PM[git_ahead]='↱' ZSHU_PM[git_behind]='↴' ZSHU_PM[git_detach]='☈' ZSHU_PM[git_tag]='🗹' ZSHU_PM[git_commit]='⌽' __z_git_avail() { (( $+commands[git] )) ; } __z_git() { GIT_OPTIONAL_LOCKS=0 command git "$@"; } __z_git_is_repo() { __z_git rev-parse --git-dir &>/dev/null ; } __z_git_desc_tag() { __z_git describe --tags "$@" ; } z-git-test() { [ "${ZSHU_PS[git]}" = '1' ] || return 1 __z_git_avail || return 2 __z_git_is_repo || return 3 return 0 } __z_git_pwd() { unset 'ZSHU_PS[git_ref]' 'ZSHU_PS[git_changes]' 'ZSHU_PS[git_tag]' ZSHU_GIT=() z-git-test || return local x x=$(__z_git rev-parse --short HEAD 2>/dev/null) [ -n "$x" ] || return ZSHU_GIT[commit]=$x ## git ref while : ; do ZSHU_GIT[detached]=1 x=$(__z_git symbolic-ref --short HEAD 2>/dev/null) if [ -n "$x" ] ; then ZSHU_GIT[detached]=0 ZSHU_GIT[ref]=$x ZSHU_PS[git_ref]="%F{green}%B${ZSHU_PM[git_branch]}%b ${ZSHU_GIT[ref]}%f" break fi x=$(__z_git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' --count=1 --points-at=${ZSHU_GIT[commit]} refs/heads/ refs/remotes/) if [ -n "$x" ] ; then ZSHU_GIT[detached]=0 ZSHU_GIT[ref]=$x ZSHU_PS[git_ref]="%F{yellow}%B${ZSHU_PM[git_branch]}%b ${ZSHU_GIT[ref]}%f" break fi ZSHU_GIT[ref]=${ZSHU_GIT[commit]} ZSHU_PS[git_ref]="%F{red}%B${ZSHU_PM[git_detach]}%b ${ZSHU_GIT[ref]}%f" break done ## local<->remote changes while [ ${ZSHU_GIT[detached]} = 0 ] ; do x=$(__z_git for-each-ref --format='%(upstream:short)' --count=1 --points-at=${ZSHU_GIT[commit]} refs/heads/ refs/remotes/) [ -n "$x" ] || break ZSHU_GIT[remote]=$x x=$(__z_git rev-list --left-right "${ZSHU_GIT[ref]}...${ZSHU_GIT[remote]}" 2>/dev/null) || break ZSHU_GIT[ref_ahead]=$(echo "$x" | grep -Ec '^<') ZSHU_GIT[ref_behind]=$(echo "$x" | grep -Ec '^>') ZSHU_GIT[ref_changes]=$[ ZSHU_GIT[ref_ahead] + ZSHU_GIT[ref_behind] ] [ ${ZSHU_GIT[ref_changes]} -eq 0 ] && break x='' [ ${ZSHU_GIT[ref_ahead]} -eq 0 ] || x="$x${x:+ }%B%F{green}${ZSHU_PM[git_ahead]} ${ZSHU_GIT[ref_ahead]}%b" [ ${ZSHU_GIT[ref_behind]} -eq 0 ] || x="$x${x:+ }%B%F{red}${ZSHU_PM[git_behind]} ${ZSHU_GIT[ref_behind]}%b" ZSHU_PS[git_changes]=$x break done ## git tag while [ ${ZSHU_GIT[detached]} = 1 ] ; do x=$(__z_git_desc_tag --exact-match HEAD 2>/dev/null) if [ -n "$x" ] ; then ZSHU_GIT[tag]=$x ZSHU_PS[git_tag]="%F{green}%B${ZSHU_PM[git_tag]}%b ${ZSHU_GIT[tag]}%f" break fi x=$(__z_git_desc_tag HEAD 2>/dev/null) if [ -n "$x" ] ; then ZSHU_GIT[tag]=${x%-*} ZSHU_PS[git_tag]="%F{yellow}%B${ZSHU_PM[git_commit]}%b ${ZSHU_GIT[tag]}%f" break fi break done ## try to fancy split current path while : ; do x=${(%):-%~} [[ "$x" =~ '/.+' ]] || break local pfx last mid pfx=$(__z_git rev-parse --show-prefix) pfx="${pfx%/}" if [ -n "${pfx}" ] ; then x=${x%/${pfx}} last="${pfx:t}" mid="${pfx%${last}}" mid="${mid%/}" mid="/${mid}${mid:+/}" ZSHU_GIT[path_mid]=${mid} ZSHU_GIT[path_last]=${last} else ZSHU_GIT[path_last]='/' fi break done ZSHU_GIT[path_root]=$x x="%F{magenta}${ZSHU_GIT[path_root]:gs/%/%%}" x="$x%F{cyan}${ZSHU_GIT[path_mid]:gs/%/%%}" x="$x%B${ZSHU_GIT[path_last]:gs/%/%%}%f%b" ZSHU_PS[pwd]=$x local -a ary ary+="${ZSHU_PS[git_ref]}" ary+="${ZSHU_PS[git_changes]}" ary+="${ZSHU_PS[git_tag]}" x="${(j: :)ary}" [ -z "$x" ] || ZSHU_PS[pwd_extra]=" $x" } z-git-enable() { ZSHU_PS[git]=1 ; } z-git-disable() { ZSHU_PS[git]=0 ; } z-git-status() { __z_git_avail echo "Git binary: "${(%):-%(?..NOT )}"found in PATH" [ "${ZSHU_PS[git]}" = 1 ] echo "Git prompt: "${(%):-%(?.enabled.disabled)} __z_git_is_repo echo "Git repo: "${(%):-%(?..NOT )}"present" } ZSHU[pwd_hook]="${ZSHU[pwd_hook]}${ZSHU[pwd_hook]:+ }__z_git_pwd"