#!/bin/zsh typeset -Uga ZSHU_CNTR_SHELLS=( /bin/bash /bin/sh /bin/ash ) typeset -ga ZSHU_CNTR_FALLBACK_SHELL=( /busybox/busybox sh ) alias bud='buildah bud --network=host -f ' function { local i for i ( run images ps top inspect logs ) ; do alias "pod-$i"="podman $i " done } z-pod() { command podman "$@" ; } alias podman='z-podman ' z-podman() { case "${1:-}" in run ) shift ; z-pod-run "$@" ;; images ) shift ; z-pod-images "$@" ;; ps ) shift ; z-pod-ps "$@" ;; top ) shift ; z-pod-top "$@" ;; * ) z-pod "$@" ;; esac } z-pod-run() { z-pod run -e "TERM=${TERM:-linux}" --rm -it "$@" } z-pod-images() { local have_flags=0 case "$1" in -* ) have_flags=1 ;; esac if [ ${have_flags} = 1 ] ; then z-pod images "$@" return $? fi z-pod images --format 'table {{.ID}} {{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}} {{.Size}} {{.Created}} |{{.CreatedAt}}' "$@" } z-pod-ps() { local have_flags=0 case "$1" in -* ) have_flags=1 ;; esac if [ ${have_flags} = 1 ] ; then z-pod ps "$@" return $? fi z-pod ps -a --sort names --format 'table {{.ID}} {{.Names}} {{.Image}} {{.CreatedHuman}} {{.Status}}' "$@" } z-pod-top() { local have_flags=0 case "$1" in -* ) have_flags=1 ;; esac if [ ${have_flags} = 1 ] ; then z-pod top "$@" return $? fi if [ $# -eq 1 ] ; then z-pod top "$1" 'pid,ppid,user,args,pcpu,time,stime,etime,state,nice,rss,vsz' else z-pod top "$@" fi } pod-images-grep() { z-pod-images \ | { if [ -z "$1" ] ; then head else sed -En "1{p;D};\\${ZSHU_XSED}$1${ZSHU_XSED}p" fi } } ## NB: naive. rewrite! pod-run-sh() { local -a cntr_opts=( --network=host --entrypoint='[]' --user=0:0 ) local i local -a shell for i ( ${ZSHU_CNTR_SHELLS} ) ; do echo "pod-run-sh: trying $i as shell" >&2 z-pod-run ${cntr_opts[@]} "$@" "$i" -c ':' 2>/dev/null || continue shell=($i) ; break done while [ -z "${shell}" ] ; do echo "pod-run-sh: trying '${ZSHU_CNTR_FALLBACK_SHELL[*]}' as last-resort shell" >&2 z-pod-run ${cntr_opts[@]} "$@" ${ZSHU_CNTR_FALLBACK_SHELL[@]} -c ':' 2>/dev/null || break shell=(${ZSHU_CNTR_FALLBACK_SHELL}) break done if [ -z "${shell}" ] ; then echo "unable to run: $*" return 1 fi z-pod-run ${cntr_opts[@]} "$@" ${shell[@]} } ## NB: naive. rewrite! sko-inspect() { local i i="${1:?}" ; shift command skopeo inspect "$@" "docker://$i" } ## NB: naive. rewrite! sko-list-tags() { local i i="${1:?}" ; shift command skopeo list-tags "$@" "docker://$i" } ## NB: naive. rewrite! pod-dive() { local i i="${1:?}" ; shift command dive "$@" "podman://$i" } jq-visual() { jq -C | "${PAGER:-cat}" ; } jq-config() { jq '.[].Config' ; } jq-tags() { jq -r '.Tags[]' ; } alias dkr='docker ' alias dkr-run='dkr run -e "TERM=${TERM:-linux}" --rm -it ' alias dkr-ps='dkr ps ' alias dkr-images='dkr images --format "table {{.ID}}\\t{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}\\t{{.Size}}\\t{{.CreatedAt}}" ' alias dkr-inspect='dkr inspect ' alias dkr-logs='dkr logs ' z-dkr() { command docker "$@" ; } z-dkr-run() { z-dkr run -e "TERM=${TERM:-linux}" --rm -it "$@" } ## NB: naive. rewrite! dkr-run-sh() { local -a cntr_opts=( --network=host --entrypoint='' --user=0:0 ) local i local -a shell for i ( ${ZSHU_CNTR_SHELLS} ) ; do echo "dkr-run-sh: trying $i as shell" >&2 z-dkr-run ${cntr_opts[@]} "$@" "$i" -c ':' 2>/dev/null || continue shell=($i) ; break done while [ -z "${shell}" ] ; do echo "dkr-run-sh: trying '${ZSHU_CNTR_FALLBACK_SHELL[*]}' as last-resort shell" >&2 z-dkr-run ${cntr_opts[@]} "$@" ${ZSHU_CNTR_FALLBACK_SHELL[@]} -c ':' 2>/dev/null || break shell=(${ZSHU_CNTR_FALLBACK_SHELL}) break done if [ -z "${shell}" ] ; then echo "unable to run: $*" return 1 fi z-dkr-run ${cntr_opts[@]} "$@" ${shell[@]} } ## NB: naive. rewrite! dkr-dive() { local i i="${1:?}" ; shift command dive "$@" "docker://$i" } typeset -g ZSHU_GRP_DOCKER=docker z-adjust-docker() { [ ${UID} -eq 0 ] && return 0 getent group "${ZSHU_GRP_DOCKER}" >/dev/null || return 1 (( ${+commands[docker]} )) || return 127 local _users=$(getent group "${ZSHU_GRP_DOCKER}" | cut -d: -f4) local -a users=("${(@s[,])_users}") local i found for i ( ${users}) ; do if [ "$i" = "${USERNAME}" ] ; then found=1 break fi done [ -n "${found}" ] && return 0 (( ${+commands[sudo]} )) || return 127 alias docker='sudo docker ' z-dkr() { command sudo docker "$@" ; } return 0 }